Mr Joe McQuillan (BMed Sci) is the clinical director of London Orthoptics.
Joe McQuillan, grew up in Yorkshire and trained in Orthoptics at the University of Sheffield. He has over 10 years experience working in large teaching hospitals assessing and treating adult and paediatric patients with orthoptic and visual field problems.
He has published literature, presented internationally and contributed to text books, one of which won the 2015 BMJ surgical book of the year. He is passionate about patient experience and ensuring that people under his care receive the best possible treatment for their condition. He has experience in all areas of orthoptics including specialist paediatric, neuro-ophthalmology and facial trauma clinics. His NHS practice is based at the Royal London Hospital, which is at the forefront of trauma care and he is one of the core members of the facial trauma MDT. He has extensive experience and knowledge in static and kinetic visual field testing and interpretation in adult and paediatric patients. Working closely with neurology, endocrinology and neuro-surgery colleagues to ensure the best outcomes for patients. Joe has won a national AHP award in 2010 for his work developing a service delivering eye tests to adults with learning difficulties. This is now considered the gold standard of care for this group if patients.
We accept referrals from consultant ophthalmologists, paediatricians, neurologists, neuro-surgeons, GP's, optometrists and self- referrals.
Self funded appointments are £90, insured fees are dependent on your insurance provider.
We guarantee patients will be offered an appointment within 7 days of referral and a full report will be provided to the patient and referring clinician within 24 hours of the assessment . This ensures the referring clinician has no delay in making a decision on what treatment to provide.
We are registered with all the major private health insurance providers